How long should my film be? Films should be no longer than 5 minutes.
What should my film be about? Films can be any genre or style. However, there must be a connection to Tring: they could be filmed in Tring, or about Tring, or feature some aspect of Tring in the subject matter. There is no restriction at all on how you feature Tring in your film, but you will need to tell us what the connection is on your entry form. Your film must have been made after 8th May 2021 to be eligible.
Do I need to live in Tring? No, we are accepting films from anywhere (but please note the requirements above!).
What are the prizes? As well as seeing your film screened in front of an audience, filmmakers in each category will win a cash prize and some film related goodies. Cash prizes are:
14 and under - £50
15-19 - £75
20-24 - £100
What sort of equipment should I use to make my film? We don’t mind! You can make a film on a mobile phone, camcorder or DSLR – or using old fashioned cinefilm if you can get hold of it! You will however need to be able to deliver your film to us in a digital format (e.g. mp4 or mov file).
How do I submit my film? You will need to include a private link to your film on an online platform (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo) when you submit your entry form and make the payment.
What is the final deadline for entry? Entry form and your film must be received by midnight on 3rd September 2021.
Can I submit more than one film? Yes! You are welcome to submit as many films as you’d like. (Please note: Each film requires a separate entry fee and entry form.)
What happens if I win? You will need to provide us with a copy of your film that we can screen, either on DVD or as a digital file. There will be a special public screening of all of the winning films at a local venue, to which all winners will be invited.
Who can submit a film? Anyone 24 or under. We have 3 age groups: 14 and under, 15-19 and 20-24. You have to be 24 or below on 1st September 2021 in order to enter. An entry can be an individual or group effort. In the case of a group, one person should enter on their behalf, you should be the director or producer of the film. All members of the group must meet the eligibility criteria.
Can I ask for help from someone outside of my age group? We completely understand that filmmaking can be complicated, and there are some things you might need to ask for help with. However, the work itself must be your own: all of the planning, writing, filming and post-production must be done by you. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian will need to confirm on your entry form that the film is all your own work.
Can someone outside my age group appear in my film? Yes, as long as they are there only as an on-screen participant, working under your direction.
How are the films selected? Who watches them? We have a special panel of judges, who work in the profession, who will watch the submissions. They rate films on storytelling, filmmaking techniques, and general audience appeal. For some advice on what to think about when you’re making your film, check out our videos.
Can there be violence, nudity or swearing in my film? We ask for films to be a U, PG or 12A certificate according to the description on the BBFC website.
Can I use music, existing film material, artwork or any other copyright material? Yes, but all rights, permissions and clearances must be obtained before submission. Tring Productions take no responsibility for any breach of copyright.
Can my film screen publicly prior to the Tring Young Filmmakers’ Competition screening? Yes, although we ask you to let us know of any other screenings taking place. This will not affect your chances in the competition.
Can my film be online prior to the Tring Young Filmmakers’ Competition screening? No, we ask you to wait until after the screening to put your film online.
If you have additional questions about the rules, submission process or festival, email: film@tringproductions.co.uk